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This online course teaches software developers how to get user inputs from lists in their Workday Extend app. Covers JSON, API requests, and dynamic scripting.​


Chris designed, wrote and developed the course using Articulate Rise 360, Camtasia 2023, and Photoshop.





This video introduces Salesforce Independent Software Vendor (ISV) learners to the Build Your First AppExchange App course.


Chris wrote the video script and edited the video using Camtasia.





Communication & Training Framework


The Communication & Training Framework is a strategy developed for UC Procurement Services. It addresses the needs of learners who are located on UC and CSU campuses across California. It is designed to be implemented by program managers who have little or no instructional design or training experience. 


University of California



A digital learning and assessment systems for 1-credit fitness classes taught in colleges and universities.


Project Roles: Instructional Designer; Developmental Editor; Project Manager; Video Producer; Market Development; LMS Manager - Moodle and Canvas.



Published 2015

Bearface Instructional Technologies



A digital learning system design to replace traditional textbooks in fitness and wellness courses. Enables instructors to measure efficacy of their courses using pre- and post-course metacognitive data, not just test scores and grades.


Project Roles: Instructional Designer; Developmental Editor; Project Manager; Video Producer; Market Development; LMS Manager - Moodle and Canvas.

Published 2015, 2017

Bearface \ Perceivant, LLC



This design document was written for the San Francisco State University Masters of Education, Instructional Technologies program and to my work as Executive Editor of McGraw-Hill's Health & Human Performance list. 


Project Roles: Executive Editor, Market Research, Instructional Systems Design, Product Development, Market Development.


San Francisco State University, Instructional Technologies Program


McGraw-Hill Higher Education,

 Health & Human Performance



This instructor-led course teaches Google software engineers how to optimize builds in order to save time and computational resources. â€‹


Chris worked with Google software engineering team leads to design, develop, and deliver instructor-led and online courses for Google engineers.





This workbook teaches Salesforce Independent Software Vendor (ISV) developers how to build a AppExchange app. â€‹


Chris wrote and developmentally edited the workbook, updating it for the Salesforce Developer Experience (DX) environment and Packaging 2.0. 



BackPocket Home


BackPocket is a college student success and retention application. These are interactive storyboards designed with Sketch for iOS / Android devices.


Project Roles: Research, instructional design, UX, graphic design with Sketch, Photoshop, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery


Skyfarm Education, LLC

a mobile app for assessing college student wellbeing


A mobile application that provides self-assessments, immediate feedback, assignment to-do list, and message reminders of upcoming assignments.


Project Roles: Research, instructional systems design, learning theory \ behavior change theory application, wellness education, author\editor of BearTracks Well-being Assessment and related articles. 

Published 2017

Bearface \ Perceivant, LLC



A digital learning system design to replace traditional textbooks in personal health courses. Enables instructors to measure efficacy of their courses using pre- and post-course metacognitive data, not just test scores and grades.


Project Roles: Instructional Designer; Developmental Editor; Project Manager; Video Producer; Market Development; LMS Manager - Moodle and Canvas.

Published 2015

Bearface \ Perceivant, LLC



This paper tells a story about the rising trend of maternal mortality in the U.S, and how California significantly reduced pregnancy-related death in California during the same period of time.


Chris researched and wrote the paper, and used Tableau to create data visualizations.


San Francisco State University



This tool helps UC Procurement Services staff apply instructional systems design theory to communication and training projects. Formative and summative reviews are not only important for ensuring instruction works, but also promoting and securing adoptions of the program across the UC system.



University of California



A marketing & training video created for the University of California Office, UC Procurement Services systemwide. 


Project roles: Instructional Designer, Writer, and Video Producer.

Created with Camtasia 2019 and Adobe Photoshop CC.



University of California



A digital learning and assessment system for medical students, nurses, and other health professions. Co-developed with Western University of Health Sciences.


Project Roles: Instructional Designer; Developmental Editor; Project Manager; Video Producer; Market Development; LMS Manager - Moodle and Canvas.


Published 2015

Bearface Instructional Technologies



Video documentaries that track students behavior change projects for during one semester. 


Project Roles: Instructional systems design, learning theory \ behavior change theory application, wellness education, project management of video production vendor, video edit.




Published 2011

McGraw-Hill Education

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